50+ Moments at Airports That Caused Such a Stir – People Couldn’t Help But Stare

This article appeared in thedaddest.com and has been published here with permission.

Creative Napping

If you’re stuck at the airport and want to take a nap, you’ll need to get creative. This lady realized that she could turn the waiting area seats into a bed by simply sliding underneath the armrests. We’re not sure how comfortable it really is, but she seems to be fast asleep! Who needs a hotel room when you can save some money by stretching out in the middle of the airport?

Creative Napping

Yoga On the Go

There are no rules against doing yoga in a public space – so what better way to loosen up your body when your flight is delayed or you’ve just spent many hours on a long flight? Just pull out your yoga mat right there in the lounge area. Who knows, you might even start a trend – as other people will surely be tempted to follow your lead and get some exercise while they wait.

Yoga On the Go

Will You Marry Me?

Public marriage proposals have been popular for ages, but they never get old. When someone asks their beloved to spend the rest of their lives together, it’s always an exciting occurrence for bystanders. As you can see in this photo, the people witnessing the proposal are thrilled for the happy couple. Proposing in an airport is sure to be a tear-jerker!

Will You Marry Me?

A Toilet For Pets

There is nothing wrong with your eyes – you are indeed seeing a pet toilet at the airport. This is one of the first airports to build a place for your pet to relieve itself before or after a long flight. With this type of gesture, the San Diego airport shows that they not only care for their human passengers, but also their animal companions.

A Toilet For Pets

Just Had To Sit Down a Bit

If you’re a flight attendant and just need to get off your feet, you can relax in your designated seat. But why not stretch out along the length of the service counter in the back of the plane? With those high heels, no wonder her feet are tired after a long day of walking up and down the aisle. Hopefully she’ll take a proper seat for take-off and landing, or she might end up rolling across the floor!

Just Had To Sit Down a Bit