Mom Discovers Her Son’s Bride Is Actually Her Long-Lost Daughter

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People are used to witnessing drama at weddings, be it something related to the groom, bride, guests, or family. However, something that was unheard of recently took place during a wedding in China. There, an unusual drama unfolded as the groom’s mother recognized her long-lost daughter as the bride. The groom’s mother made the startling discovery thanks to a birthmark on the bride’s hand.

The Daughter Bride

Upon seeing the birthmark, the groom’s mother was quick to ask the parents of the bride if their daughter was adopted. She received confirmation and the story of how they found her on a roadside 20 years ago. After that moment, everyone started realizing what was going on, and the mother and daughter embraced each other with tears in their eyes.

The wedding happened in Suzhou, Jiangsu, and took place even after the sudden realization. It turned out that the groom was also adopted, so he and the bride weren’t actually siblings. Apparently, the mother decided to adopt a son after her fruitless search for her lost daughter. The bride even said she considered the reunion with her mother happier than the wedding itself.

An Overly Lavish Wedding

The internet has been full of wedding drama lately. Another couple had an extremely lavish wedding that cost them nearly $58 million. The couple also made a gift registry to match the cost of the special day. Gifts ranged from a $5,400 vase to a $860 gravy boat and a $28 napkin.

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People online were outraged by this display of wealth. Many considered it super irresponsible to spend so much money in a single day, wondering how it was even possible. The extravagance was so extreme that it even included flying guests in on private jets and renting the Palace of Versailles. There was also a private concert by the pop band Maroon 5.

Top 3 Popular and Effective Baby Sleep Training Methods

This is the story of Laura Welk and her newborn, Greyson, who was a dream sleeper during the first several months of his life. He had regular daytime naps and a calming bottle in the evening. He would only wake up once every night to eat, and this would last him until morning. This completely changed when he hit three months old, and the need for sleep training kicked in.

This is the story of Laura Welk and her newborn, Greyson, who was a dream sleeper during the first several months of his life. He had regular daytime naps and a calming bottle in the evening. He would only wake up once every night to eat and this would last him until morning. This completely changed when he hit 3 months old and the need for sleep-training kicked in. When Is The Perfect Time for Sleep-Training? The routine broke down at about three and a half months. Welk says that she would feed him but he would not fall asleep at the end of the meal. Introducing: sleep-training. The optimal time to begin this training is heavily dependent on the development of your baby; however, it is typically between four and six months, when your baby hasn’t had much time to become accustomed to nursing or being rocked to sleep. Here are some important factors to consider while training your baby to fall asleep more efficiently. #1. The “Check and Console” Method You should continue to check on your baby at predetermined intervals. However, you should never feed or rock them to sleep. This would indicate that they are not falling asleep on their own. After doing your bedtime routine, put your baby in his or her crib. Leave the room and wait a specific amount of time. Then, enter the room and soothe your baby with words or a touch. Keep doing this, gradually increasing the time between visits until reaching approximately 10 or 15 minutes and then continuing until they fall asleep. #2. The “Chair Method” Training This approach to sleep-training is quite progressive. It involves a great deal of parental control. You prepare your baby for bed once again; however, this time, instead of leaving your room, you sit in a chair next to the crib. When they fall asleep, leave the room, but when they awaken, return to the chair until they sleep again. Then, move the chair further and further away every night. Do this until your chair is out of the room. #3. The Bed-Time Routine Fading Technique With this fading sleep-training technique, keep using whatever method you were using to assist your baby fall asleep but gradually decrease the amount of time you devote to it until you no longer need to use it. It’s an effective method for reducing crying. However, sadly, many parents find it difficult to sustain. It’s worth a shot if you are prepared to adhere to the plan and help your baby fall asleep without your assistance.When Is The Perfect Time for Sleep Training?

The routine broke down at about three and a half months. Welk says that she would feed him, but he would not fall asleep at the end of the meal. Introducing: sleep-training. The optimal time to begin this training is heavily dependent on the development of your baby; however, it is typically between four and six months, when your baby hasn’t had much time to become accustomed to nursing or being rocked to sleep. Here are some important factors to consider while training your baby to fall asleep more efficiently.

1. The “Check and Console” Method

You should continue to check on your baby at predetermined intervals. However, you should never feed or rock them to sleep. This would indicate that they are not falling asleep on their own. After doing your bedtime routine, put your baby in his or her crib. Leave the room and wait a specific amount of time. Then, enter the room and soothe your baby with words or a touch. Keep doing this, gradually increasing the time between visits until reaching approximately 10 or 15 minutes and then continuing until they fall asleep.

2. The “Chair Method” Training

This approach to sleep training is quite progressive. It involves a great deal of parental control. You prepare your baby for bed once again; however, this time, instead of leaving your room, you sit in a chair next to the crib. When they fall asleep, leave the room, but when they awaken, return to the chair until they sleep again. Then, move the chair further and further away every night. Do this until your chair is out of the room.

3. The Bed-Time Routine Fading Technique

With this fading sleep-training technique, keep using whatever method you were using to assist your baby in falling asleep but gradually decrease the amount of time you devote to it until you no longer need to use it. It’s an effective method for reducing crying. However, sadly, many parents find it difficult to sustain. It’s worth a shot if you are prepared to adhere to the plan and help your baby fall asleep without your assistance.