30+ Plants and Shrubbery That Can Wreck Your Yard

As a homeowner, it’s important to take pride in your front yard. After all, it’s one of the first things that visitors see when they visit your home, so a neglected front yard isn’t a good look. However, choosing the wrong plants to adorn your yard can have dire consequences. Here are 30 plants that can wreck your front yard.

Tansy Is Toxic

The first on the list is tansy, which is sometimes called bitter burrows or cow buttons. Although that last name sounds adorable, the effects eating tansy can have on your body are anything but.

Tansy Is Toxic

Eating this plant can cause brain damage, liver damage, and even convulsions. Sure, maybe you don't eat your plants, but the leaves and flowers are toxic despite being beautiful, making this a plant worth skipping when it comes to a beautiful yard.

Privet Needs Pruned Often

Privet hedges are pretty popular, and if you love spending all of your free time pruning your plants, then Privet is a good option for you. However, if you don't want to be pruning constantly, it's best to avoid this one in your yard.

Privet Needs Pruned Often

This plant quickly starts to look messy if you don't prune it often, and no one who plants a hedge in their yard does it because they like an unmanaged look to their home.

Staghorn Sumac Is Poisonous

There are certain things that children are afraid of. Whether it's the Bermuda Triangle, quicksand, or poison ivy, all kids learn how horrible they can be. So it's natural to be weary of any plant that's related to poison ivy, which staghorn sumac is.

Staghorn Sumac Is Poisonous

Sure, not everyone is allergic to it. But if you are, you'll be super itchy and develop watery blisters that make things worse if they pop. Protect your friends and neighbors, and don't plant this one.

Burning Bush Is Invasive

Have you heard the term "invasive plant" before? Invasive species are those that aren't native to the ecosystem and end up driving out native plants or even harming humans in the area. Burning bush is a plant that's often invasive.

Burning Bush Is Invasive

The red and yellow autumn colors are beautiful, but burning bush grows super fast, meaning it can quickly spiral out of control and spread. It's actually banned in Massachusetts and New Hampshire for being so invasive.