15+ Labor & Delivery Nurses Shared About the Most Horrific Husbands They've Had to Deal With
If your partner is in labor and delivering your child, there are a few things you should know. For one, this is an extremely emotional and physically painful process. Secondly, you’re there to support your partner through the birthing process. Plenty of husbands get overwhelmed and pass out but these husbands really took the cake for awful behavior in the delivery room.
Hearing This One a Lot
Unfortunately, you're going to hear a lot more stories of distracted dads from these nurses. This one just had a single phrase they were tired of wondering about.

So many people talk about how magical seeing your child for the first time is. Not to mention, your partner is going through something incredibly painful. We understand that you might want to update your family but now really isn't the time to be on the phone.